Tree4Hope at both churches is in need of individual sponsors for our commitment to two students in Guatemala. Please consider donating $100 dollars for one month to sponsor girls' education. Those of you who have signed up, please check with the office if you are not sure if you sent in your contribution yet for this year.
NEW WORSHIP SCHEDULEIn order to facilitate productive conversation about mission and the future of Renewed in Grace, the following is the meeting and worship schedule. PLEASE NOTE PLACE!!!!
Sept. 15 @Trinity with Fellowship Time and Consolidation Task Force following.
Sept. 22 @St. Peter's with a St. Peter's Congregation Conversation to discuss the adopted recommendations
Sept. 29 @Trinity - Body Building Sunday with Trinity Council following.
Oct. 6 @ Trinity with Oktoberfest Committee and Co-op Board following
Oct. 13 @ Trinity with Trinity's Congregation Conversation to discuss the adopted recommendations
Oct. 20 @Trinity with Trinity's Council to follow
Oct. 27 @Trinity - Reformation Sunday
MEETING WITH THE PASTOR Time with Pastor Liz is by appointment at this time. She may be reached by email, text or phone at or 717-654-2334 SEPTEMBER BRUNCH There will be a fellowship brunch THIS Sunday, Sept. 15 immediately following the service at Trinity. Drop off any goodies that you signed up to bring in the social hall before the service. Come hungry!
OKTOBERFEST 2024 Our 27th annual Oktoberfest Dance will be held on Saturday, October 26 from 5-9 PM at the Chambers Hill Fire Co. social hall. See Ed Holwig for tickets after the service. $8 for adults. Kids under 12 will have free admission this year!
TRINITY DEDICATIONS Anyone who would like to order flowers or sponsor bulletins & candles for 2024 should call Jan ASAP (717-564-6360). PRAYER SHAWLS Prayer shawls are stacked up on a table in the foyer of Trinity. If you know of someone (or even yourself) that is in special need of the comfort of a shawl and the prayers that go with it, please feel free to take one from the pile. If you are taking one to a friend, please check the sign-out book to be sure that person hasn’t already received one from us. If they haven’t, please sign the book and feel free to take a sheet that explains the prayer shawl to deliver along with it. These shawls are free of charge.RENEWED IN GRACE PRAYER CHAIN Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." If you have a prayer request for yourself, a family member, or a friend, please contact Jill Hawkins, 717-571-6655, Jill will start the request by calling it on to the prayer chain. Please remember that we accept requests for any person who needs prayer, member or non-member. Thank you.” ALL ARE WELCOME BIBLE STUDY The All are Welcome Bible Study meets on Tuesday nights at 6:30p.m. via Zoom. We are working our way through the Bible. We are currently reading the Book of 1 Kings. We send out a weekly email with the Zoom link, as well as a brief summary of what we covered the previous week. To get the link for attending the Zoom session, or just to get on the weekly email list, please contact Matt and Mary Hunt at
Upcoming Worship Assistants Sept. 15 at Trinity reader: Jan Holwig assistant: Matt Hunt Sept. 22 at St. Peter's acolyte: Brady Keyser assistant: Patrick Hawkins Sept. 29 at Trinity reader: Mary Hunt assistant: Doris Reynolds Outreach Ministries Laundry Love (2nd Thurs. of every month) Monetary donations for this outreach may be given to Pat or Jill Hawkins. May 2024: 11 people served; 32 loads June 2024: 18 people served; 58 loads July 2024: 20 people served; 84 loads Aug. 2024: 30 people served; 74 loads Monday Night Meals at St. Peter's (5:30-6:30) Aug. 12 102 meals 22 non-food 0 clothing Aug. 19 111 35 13 Aug. 26 130 26 35
Thursday Night Meals at Trinity (5:30 – 6:30) Aug. 1 93 meals served Trinity does not keep a count of how many people "shop the tables" when they come to get meals. Aug. 15 73 Aug. 22 87
Tree 4 Hope (Hope Academy) Sponsors Please remember to send your checks in for the year 2024. NOT EVERYONE HAS PAID YET!!!!! Home-bound people and those in need of prayers and cards Members in care facilities: Warren Nelson Columbia Cottage, Room 48, 103 N. Larkspur Dr., Palmyra 17078 Doris Miller Middletown Home, 999 W. Hbg. Pike, Middletown 17057 John Brunner 600 Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown 17022 Geraldine Reider Brookdale Assisted Living, 3560 N. Progress Ave., Harrisburg, Pa 17110 Home-bound people: Connie Barner, Joyce Stickle, Jacqueline Acri, Joan Hogentogler, Ann Kline, Rose Hoover, Lynette Stough, Jeff Myers, Leslie & Lisa Lisnitzer
People in our Prayers: Don Alsedek, Connie Barner, Duck Harris, Rose Hoover, Samson Kennedy, Jeff Myers, Warren Nelson, Geraldine Reider, Carl & Anna Zeiders, Nancy Paine
Office Hours for Renewed in GraceJan Holwig goes into St. Peter's and Trinity's offices as often as she is able. Because she enters the offerings for each church and edits and runs off the bulletins each week at Trinity (that's where the main computer and main copier are located), she is easier to reach personally or with a message at Trinity (717-939-4998). Take care & God bless, Renewed in Grace Cooperative Ministries
St. Peter’s Highspire and Trinity Steelton are located on the original and ancestral homelands of the Susquehannock peoples and we give thanks for their presence here since time immemorial. We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings who have and continue to call this land their home.